Joining Nippers as a new member can be daunting, and there is a lot of information to take in. For this reason we have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions which we hope will help cover any queries you might have. We hope we have covered everything on this page and with the Nipper section of this website but if you cannot find an answer to your questions please feel free to contact us direct. Details are at the bottom of this page.
Nippers FAQ
How do I register for Nippers and how much does it cost?
Become a North Curl Curl SLSC Member, details are HERE.
Once an adult and child (or as a family) are members of NCCSLSC, all children aged 5 up to U14’s are automatically enrolled in the Nippers program. Easy! No need to sign up separately to attend Sunday Nippers, just turn up!
Be kept up to date, join TeamApp
- This is where you will find out if Sunday Nippers is running (during wet weather/if the beach is closed to water activities due to water conditions and/or lagoon is open).
- All times and locations you need to know about, including Nippers sessions on Sundays.
- Additional training sessions held mid week or before Nippers
What does my child have to wear for Nippers 2023/24?
- U6 – Green Cap
- U7 – Yellow Cap (same as last season)
- U8 and up – Yellow/Green Stripe club cap and pink hi-vis safety vest
We have a uniform shop which sells club swimmers, hats, rashies and many other items but the only compulsory items are the cap and the pink hi-vis vest enabling the Nippers to be spotted easily in the water and on the beach for their safety. The uniform shop will be selling all these items on Registration Day and will be open most Sundays during Nippers.
We are online now! For more information, head over to our Uniform Page Here.
What do bring to Nippers
- Wetsuit if you have one, the water is still a little cool in November and usually cold nippers are not happy nippers. The U6 & U7’s will have water activities but spend most of the time on the sand.
- Pack a water bottle, sunscreen, goggles, rashie and a towel.
- Lastly your Nipper cap and pink hi-vis vest if U8 and up.
- Adults – you need to bring your phone, we need to your QR code upon arrival and show us your vaccination certificate.
Signing in and out of Nippers – is MANDATORY!
Signing in at the start and out at the end is very important, it is a requirement from SLSA. Attendance records are kept and we use these to determine eligibility when allocating Club Championship Trophies at the end of the season. You must participate in 60% of Nippers, this can be on Sundays and/or representing the club at a Northern Beaches Branch Carnival held at other local clubs. (More information about awards and policies below under the heading Club Policies)
What time and where do I go?
Best way to keep up to date with times go to TeamApp calendar section. Weather and water conditions can change our running times.
8:00am – Meet on the terrace to help us set up – please many hands make light work, please don’t leave it to our volunteer JAC team to do it all!
Meet us on the beach in front of the terrace at the start of your Nippers session. We have age group banners, meet your group and Age Manager. The younger age groups usually run for an hour and older groups run for an 1.5 hours.
- Under 6 & 7s start at 9am (usually runs for approx 1 hour)
- Under 8’s and up start at 9.30am (runs up to 1.5 hour)
Intro-Board Training
This takes place at 8:15am to 9:15am each Sunday for the first 6 weeks of the season before the Nippers session and is free.
U09+ are introduced to board and surf skills. BRING A WETSUIT AND HI VIS VEST.
Parents must be present and able to help out either in the water or marshalling on the sand.
**Each week check Team App in case of changes. Weather or other events may impact if we can run the session
Water Safety – Parents we need you
No Water safety team = no water activities during nippers
In order to assist in water safety on a surf rescue board, you need to wear a water safety vest and this requires you to have completed your Bronze Medallion course. Other then that we would LOVE for you to help out in all the activities whether that be the flags races, beach sprints, beach wades (for the U6 and U7’s) and ocean swims (U8 and over). To find out more email More Information here.
Always assume Nippers is on, we will post any cancellations on TeamApp. We will also note if water activities are cancelled and beach activities are running.
Check TeamApp notifications in cases of bad weather. If the beach is closed, but the weather is favourable we still run Nippers on the sand without the water activities. Check out our Communication page on how to keep up to date with all announcements and notifications.
Who runs Nippers?
Volunteers. Nippers is not possible to run without your help!
We are all parent volunteers, this includes our Junior Activities Committee you see on the beach in blue, red, green and yellow shirts team members. Also including IRB crew & captain, beach and water coaches, education team and U15/16 mentors sharing their love of nippers.
Parents are required to be present for their children on the beach during the session. The kids enjoy seeing their parents get involved, so please don’t be scared to put your hand up!
Please support the club and help us run a great nippers session for your children, we need parents in the water, on the sand marshalling, recording names, holding equipment – lots of fun things to do with your children. Seek out your Age Manager or Age Boss, let them know who you are and that you can support them.
There are many jobs to be done at Nippers from helping organise kids, keep them interested, help them have fun, assist them in the water, help move them to each location for the various activities and more! The kids enjoy seeing their parents get involved, so please don’t be scared to put your hand up! For more information see our How You Can Help page.
My child is keen on extra training sessions in the week. How can I find out more?
We offer a introductory board paddling and water skills course from the first day of Nippers until Christmas. This takes place at 8.30am each Sunday for the first 6 weeks of the season before the Nippers session and is free and voluntary. Target age groups this session is aimed at the U9’s, new members in age groups U10-14’s are also welcome.
If you want additional mid-week training, they can join the Yellow (intermediary) or Green (advanced) Squads. Please note these sessions are perfect for children who are comfortable on a board or ocean swim and want something more than Sunday Nippers or maybe want to compete at a carnival. Visit our Beach and Water Training Page for additional information.
My child is keen to compete in Carnivals. How do they sign up?
There are many opportunities to compete in carnivals throughout the season and other competitions. Your Age Manager will be able to advise you. For more information see our Carnival page.
For Sydney Northern Beaches carnivals see the calendar
For other carnivals join the Facebook NCC Surf Sports Competitors Family Page for more information.
Carnivals can be both entered and paid for when “Open for entry” on
U14’s and SRC (Surf Rescue Certificate)
U14’s will be invited to participate in the SRC Course the season. This course provides participants with skills and knowledge of surf awareness, aquatic rescue operations and resuscitation in order to participate in lifesaving operations and act in the role of Water Safety Personnel and join a Patrol Group at North Curly.
My child is scared of the water – can they still join in at Nippers?
Absolutely! The whole goal of Nippers is to help children gain confidence on the beach and in the water and we are here to help this happen. The Nipper movement is about induction, education, awareness, competition, sportsmanship, transition (to Cadets and Seniors’) but MOST importantly it is about participation and fun for Parents and your Children. Nipper activities are aimed at teaching your children the basics of surf awareness and water safety. Please talk to your Age Manager about any concerns you have and we will door best to accommodate your child. They do not have to enter the water if they do not want to, but we aim to encourage and grow their confidence in this area as required.
My child would like to participate in another age group to be with a friend?
We understand this date can often split up school year friends. Whilst we recommend you stay in your age group where you will likely find other friends or meet new ones. We also understand being with your bestie will often make the difference of loving nippers much better. Your child is welcome to participate in the group below, however when it comes to either our club official events (Club Champs) or Northern Beaches Branch Carnivals held at other beaches you must compete in your correct age groups. Find our age group here
My child has a disability – how can they still get involved in the Nipper Program?
North Curl Curl SLSC has introduced a Special Needs Nippers program for children from U5 – U14 called Ripper Nippers. The modified program runs right before our normal Nippers program from 8am to 10am on a Sunday and is all about the children having fun in a safe environment, learning new social skills and integrating with the broader community outside of their existing circle of friends, family and carers. For more information about this program please see our Ripper Nippers page.
How do I keep up to date with the Surf Club news?
It is important for Parents to have TeamApp installed as any last-minute changes or updates to Nippers, Carnivals or training sessions will be communicated via this medium. Further details on TeamApp will be given to you once registered.
Communication to Parents is via Surfguard (central emails will be sent to your registered email address) covering club news, notices, events and reminders and Smartphone App (TeamApp). Surfguard is the SLS Membership database and emails will be sent from this address ‘’. It is used for blanket communication to all registered members.
Finally FaceBook and Instagram are updated regularly with news and announcements. Check out our Communication page on how to keep up to date with all announcements and notifications.
Can I drop my child on the beach and collect them after the session?
We need parents to be present to help out and enjoy the fun. The more of you that do this the more fun it is for the kids, and the smoother the sessions will run.
Due to COVD restrictions all parents may not be allowed on the beach unless they are wearing the Age Marshall vests or part of our Age Manager team. If you would like to volunteer please email
Can U15’s+ and parents have a go at the water and beach events?
YES! Throughout the season, we run a fortnightly Senior Beach Event on Sundays which starts at 11am after Nippers. These events include an ocean swim, board paddle, beach sprint and flags races and are open to all club members 13 years of age and over. No experience or expertise necessary just come along to join in, meet fellow members and enjoy some friendly competition (and you can do as many or few of the events as you like!)
Club Policies
Who do I contact if I have a question regarding the Sunday Nippers sessions?
Please feel free to email our Nippers team at
How can I find out more information about North Curl Curl SLSC?
Please use the drop down menus above to find out everything you need to know about the our club. For all other general club questions please email and we will try and answer your query as soon as we can.