Membership Categories and Fees

Membership Categories

For membership purposes, ages are determined at midnight 30 September.  Our membership  categories are:

Active Senior (18yrs plus): Age 18 or over active surf lifesavers (either are a lifesaver or have decided to train to become one).  Members must have a proficient bronze medallion and perform patrols.

Active (15 – 18yrs): Active life savers that are under 18.  Members must have a proficient bronze medallion and perform patrols.

Cadet (13 – 15yrs): These members gain their Surf Rescue Certificate to allow them to become a Cadet Lifesaver and perform patrols. At the age of 15, they train to gain their Bronze Medallion and become fully qualified surf lifesavers.  Cadet members who are Under 14 need to register within Nippers.

Active Reserve: These members have satisfactorily patrolled for over 8 years consecutively, or 10 years (broken) and as such, are only required to do a minimum number of patrols each season. To be awarded Active Reserve membership, you should apply via the Club Registrar.

Long Service: These members have undertaken a total of 10 years satisfactory full patrolling (or 8 years of full patrols and 4 years Reserve Active patrols and are no longer required to do patrols (but are welcome to continue patrolling). To be awarded Long Service membership, , you should apply via the Club Registrar.

Life Member: A special prestigious category of membership reserved for those who are honoured in recognition of many years of ongoing commitment to the Club. Nominees for this category are submitted to the Life Member Committee for criteria approval and voted on at the Club’s Annual General Meeting

Associate Member: An adult member who does not hold a Surf Lifesaving Award. An Associate member does not have a voting right at the Club.

Restriction On Membership

In relation to membership restriction the following shall apply: –

  • A non-financial, suspended, excluded or expelled member of a club shall not knowingly apply to join another Affiliated Club nor shall a club knowingly admit, accept or retain in membership any past or present member of any other club who is indebted to in any way, or is currently suspended or expelled from any club.
  • A club shall immediately provide the relevant State Centre the names and addresses of members who have had their membership cancelled or suspended and such information, including the period of suspension/cancellation of membership shall be set out in a register provided for that purpose.
  • Should a member of more than one club be suspended or expelled by any club they shall not be allowed to compete in competition for any other club of which they are a member or in any other club competition or in any other SLSA competition, while under suspension or expulsion.
  • Any dispute/s shall be referred to the relevant State Centre.

For any questions regarding registrations, please email the Club Registrar

Membership Fees for 2020/2021 Season

Nipper Memberships (5-13 yrs)

Please note that all registered Nippers U06-U13 are to have one parent who is a registered member of the Club.

  • $150 – 1 Nipper & 1 Adult Membership
  • $200 – 1 Nipper & 2 Adult Membership
  • $250 – 2 Nippers & 1 Adult Membership
  • $300 – 2 or more Nippers & up to 2 Parents Membership (Capped)

Please note – Nipper adults who meet patrol member criteria for discount (below) should calculate total fees accordingly

Life Members

No Fee is payable – please renew online only

Associate & Pensioner Memberships

An Associate is an adult who does not hold a Surf Lifesaving Award. A pensioner is an adult in any SLS category  aged 65+

  • $75 – Associate Membership
  • $35 – Pensioner Membership

Senior Club Memberships – all SLS Award members

  • $40 – Cadet Membership (13-15yrs)`
  • $40 – Active Junior Membership (15-18yrs)
  • $75 – Active Senior Membership (18+ yrs)
  • $75 – Reserve Active Membership
  • $75 – Long Service Membership
  • $75 – Probationary Training Membership for SLS Awards

Patrol Memberships

All members on Active Patrol. Fees are based on the associated criteria.

  • No Fee –  National Patrol Award member (10yrs+ patrol award) on rostered patrol
  • $25 – 100% Patrol (2020/2021) & on 2021/2022 rostered patrol
  • $55 – all other patrol members who pay before 1st December 2021
  • $75 – all other patrol members who pay after from 1st December 2021

** Patrol members – please make note of any patrol discount criteria on membership payment details

NCCSLSC Trainers & Assessors

  • No Fee – SLS Instruction Trainers & Assessors with National Patrol Award & still active in education

All other Trainers and Assessors pay membership fees as outlined in above member sections

For any questions regarding registrations, please email the Club Registrar