Carnivals Old
There is a great document on Carnivals and events. See Team App > Downloads > “All About Nipper Carnivals”.
How to Enter
Team App > Calendar has listed many of the carnivals you can enter this season.
An email is sent out from SurfGuard to all U8 to U14 Nippers inviting you to enter each carnival. The email will have a link to a Survey Monkey questionnaire for you to complete.
Additionally in your Team App profile select Carnivals group to receive carnival emails, notifications, and view carnival information.
Once entered you are expected to participate as entry fees are paid by the Club. U8’s can generally participate in most Sydney Northern Beaches carnivals. Note NSW State Championships do not include U8’s.
ALL parents need to participate in at least one area: Officials, Water Safety, Tent Setup, Tent Decamp, work party.